View of Central Hall through some blooming trees.


Learn about our graduate programs in Hillsdale and 华盛顿特区.C. The Van Andel Graduate School of Statesmanship and the Van Andel Graduate School of Government.

The Van Andel Graduate School of Statesmanship



The Van Andel Graduate School of Statesmanship (山谷,小姐) offers the Doctor of Philosophy in Politics and the Master of Arts in Politics. The principal aim of the Graduate School is to educate students in the language of American constitutionalism, and to place its graduates in positions of public service in politics, 在新闻, 在学院, 和其他地方.

This aim is grounded in the mission of the College, which seeks to perpetuate the civil and religious liberties of the United States by the “diffusion of sound learning” and the comprehension of the “American experiment of self-government under law.”

The Van Andel Graduate School of Government



The Van Andel Graduate School of Government (华盛顿特区.C.) is an MA program designed for professionals working in politics: government staffers and lawmakers, journalists and media professionals, 撰, 律师, 智库分析师, domestic and foreign policy experts, and all practitioners drawn to serious study.

Course offerings reflect that focus by providing the necessary intellectual foundation for a career in American politics, one deeply enriched by Hillsdale College and its teaching mission.

Graduate School of 古典教育



This program provides students with a broad philosophical, 历史, 文学, 课程, and pedagogical perspective on classical education. Electives options include courses in educational leadership, the seven classical liberal arts, and other special topics courses. While this master degree program does not presume to exhaust the subject of classical education or its relevant content, it does build a thorough, 广泛的, and foundational understanding upon which a lifetime of experience in classical education can be based.