Freshman Meet Mix and Mingle on August 21, 2021, at Hayden Park.

俱乐部 & 校内的

Student Life is an Integral Part of Your Liberal 艺术s Experience

Your professors and classes will challenge you to think about the good life. Co-curricular activities give you the opportunity to pursue good living by building friendships, 锻炼领导, and practicing excellence in all areas of life outside the classroom.

Whether you’re interested in arts, 体育, or an array of other activities, 各种各样的俱乐部, 组织, and extracurricular activities at Hillsdale offers you an outlet to explore many different interests and build friendships.



The 学生活动委员会 (SAB) sponsors a myriad of events and excursions every semester, 包括游园会, 彩色跑, Centralhallaplooza, 和更多的. SAB also helps students get connected to clubs that match their interests. If you don’t know quite where to start, SAB can help get you plugged in.

了解更多 about the 学生活动委员会



The mission of the 学生联合会 is to improve campus life through the allocation of student fees and regulation of student clubs and 组织. The 学生联合会 also presents students the opportunity to participate in self-government.

了解更多 关于学生联合会



Volunteerism is an integral part of our campus culture. The Great Opportunities for Assistance and 领导 (GOAL) Program helps connect interested students with the wide array of volunteer programs on campus.

了解更多 关于GOAL项目



校园娱乐 hosts a variety of competitive events and leagues available to students of all skill levels including Naval Battle, 比中, 校内的篮球, 和更多的. They provide an athletic outlet for students to meet new friends and stay competitive during their time on campus.

了解更多 关于校园娱乐

俱乐部 & 组织

有一百多个俱乐部, 组织, 和荣誉, seven nationally chartered Greek houses, twelve NCAA Division II athletic teams, 校内的运动, 俱乐部体育, 唱诗班, 管弦乐队, 剧院, 辩论, and events hosted by the 学生活动委员会 (SAB), you will never run out of things to do! The student life at Hillsdale ensures that you will have a memorable and enjoyable college experience.