Dr. Arnn is the twelfth president of Hillsdale College

Letter from the President

Since 1844 Hillsdale College has vigorously and independently pursued its mission “to furnish all persons who wish, irrespective of nation, color, 或性, a literary and scientific education” outstanding among American colleges “and to combine with this such moral and social instruction as will best develop the minds and improve the hearts of its pupils.”

As you review this site and the many different endeavors that constitute Hillsdale College, please know that we are resolutely dedicated to our mission and to the idea that a liberal education requires the study of the highest things, the things for the sake of which all else is chosen, the standard by which all else is measured. This dedication is foundational to every endeavor of the College and is reflected in every page of this website.

While the website provides an extensive overview of the college and its programs, please know that it is unable to convey adequately the character and commitment of our students, 教师, 和工作人员. To that end, I invite you to visit our fine campus. 而在这里, you will come to better understand Hillsdale College and its commitment to educating for liberty.

Warmest regards,


拉里·P. Arnn
President of Hillsdale College